Instructions for Using Thunderbird XR Glasses
Trackpad Operations
In the software of Thunderbird XR glasses and its built-in third-party applications, the mobile phone will serve as the controller, and you will operate using the default controller of Thunderbird XR glasses.
Move the mobile phone: Hold it with one hand and try to move it to control the movement of the ray.
Single-finger confirmation: Tap the screen with one finger to perform the confirmation operation.
Single-finger left/right swipe: Swipe left or right with one finger to perform left and right page turning.
Single-finger up/down swipe: Swipe up or down with one finger to perform up and down page turning.
Constant-on button of the glasses: Click the constant-on button of the glasses, and the glasses will not turn off after being connected to the mobile phone.
Home button: Click the Home button to return to the home page.
Settings button: Click the Settings button to open the control center

Head Operations
Horizontal left and right rotation of the head: You can view more screens on the desktop. Head interaction supports 1DoF.
There is a built-in game store in the software, and you can download small games in the game center of the dock bar for playing.

Films and TV Series
There are built-in film and TV applications and film and TV content based on the web end.

Settings of Glasses Parameters
You can set the parameters of the glasses, including color, whisper, firmware, etc., on both the front page and within the XR space.

Application Store
Manage the downloaded applications.

Player & Nas Cloud Disk
There is a local professional player that supports 3D left and right and 2D video playback. The 3D resolution is 38401080, and the 2D resolution is 19201080. Import the required film and TV content to the mobile phone, and you can quickly view it under the local video folder module.
The player supports external subtitles, including subtitle files in srt and ass formats.
Supports access to Nas private cloud.

WebXR Content
Experience VR content or 360 content based on the webxr standard protocol.